FTN Exporting ( Est 1988) Intermediary Trading Procedures 2025
Beta:Grammar/spelling mistakes does not detract from the overall lesson being delivered.
Professional Commodity Trader (PCT)
We are in the office until 19 December 2024 AEST before closing for our usual 3 week holiday period which is not counted towards any offer made
Leading uniform and legally defined PCT trading procedures world wide created by FTN Exporting
Last Updated :1 December 2024
So you want to trade in commodities and internationally related business ? Your are prepared to take a crash course study first? This is a tough business to crack at the best time . You really need to know what your are doing to have a remote chance of closing a highly lucrative commodity deal. TWINE is a academic level type of study, and it’s complex; a complex study which we have ‘broken down’ to reveal a simple set of lawfully workable procedures that any export import trade intermediary can learn and apply when conducting ‘big business’ internationally. If you can read and write in English to a reasonable level, (not perfect, but reasonable) and are proficient at ‘working a computer ’ then this study will serve you well, as we heavily deal in ‘documents’ when trading in commodities. Whether you are a first time applicant working from home or work, or just another ill informed trader; if you want to conduct international business - this study is a must apply, no matter which country you are from. Even bankers, law firms , supplier and end buyers could learn from the advice served in TWINE. We learn to become a commodity trader ( we trade in ‘one commodity’ at a time) when one deal fails, we dump a deal quickly as we move to the next potential deal–quickly. Time is your enemy is this business and is this business when you are busy - time flies. You must know what you are doing intently to have any chance of success in this business; without attaining said ‘knowledge’ the chances to close such a deal is ZERO. Whether you are from the USA , U.K or Timbuktu this is a global uniform trading study and related application of Intentional agency, finance and laws must be learned before entering into the precarious realm of intentional trade. It does not matter if you are new to the business and/ or are working from home, the ‘intermediary’ studies the publication, over a few months and starts trading strictly as advised, ‘one step at a time’.Years of study in 3 months; obtaining experience must now follow . We created the only formal doctrine of trade for intermediaries trading in commodities.May have now copied our claims as their work.
From study to obtaining experience plus longevity gives you success. A highly informed Professional Commodity Trader (PCT) should be handling complex revolving deals within 8 months of purchasing and studying the FTNX doctrine of trade. We have only applied relevant information that we MUST know about, in layman terms, as we break down our formal aspect of our best selling FIRST edition publication ‘ITSI’ ( International Trade and the Successful Intermediary ) to its simplest premise and understanding. TWINE PDF is a beta copy, 4 time larger than ITSI, meaning there are grammatical and spelling mistakes due to the massive size of the publication and due to the updating of such yearly, nevertheless 99% of the study that needs to be learned is clearly prescribed.
TWINE breaks down the formal aspect of ITSI to it bare bones aspect is the latest master works preceding all other. When attempting to trade in large revolving commodity contracts, you are chasing a life time of earnings ( as earned working in a factory all your life ) as secured on one single revolving contract. FTNX developed the doctrine decades ago, as a matter of need as the market place was full of fake deals and clowns prior to FTN releasing the first ever legally defined doctrine of trade made specifically for intermediaries world wide. We killed the trading market place full of stupidly informed people and scams. Our doctrine is a universal one, found in every country in their world. Any person in any country ( as allowed per its own laws) may trade in commodities using our procedures, because it offers safe uniform principles of business, and uses standing ‘Internationally recognised’ rules and laws, to support the FTN Exporting trade/deal process. We abide by rules and laws as well as ICC Incoterms and ICC UCP banking/financial instrument rules. We do not conduct business with countries bearing western sanctions.
We created the first set of legal trading procedures that an informed PCT can use safely and with confidence. If you are seriously thinking about trading in commodities ‘over the longer’ term, ( at least 3 years minimum ) educational offers made below will serve you well. If you are delving into any internationally inspired business application especially if trading in commodities, the FTNX export import commodity trade study and application will be of great benefit if you are prepared to trade full-time or in your spare time over the longer term; as gaining good experience is also needed.
PCT’s don’t use lawyers, nor their own money to conclude on a export import deal - A PCT use brains and knowledge to do so while producing excellent supporting paperwork. We give you the knowledge - the applicant gains experience by practice.Knowing that the PCT needs to be protected from the start ‘while learning the ropes ‘ as well; gaining experience means you can walk away from a deal safely anytime without falling foul of the law where mistakes will not cause any legal issues- on the condition our procedures and advice are followed. A PCT is their own ‘boss’. Nobody tells the PCT what they can or cannot do. The PCT has to look after the interests of the people they are dealing with and well as their own interest at all time. This is what the doctrine is about. So may professional people have purchased our doctrine of trade including bankers and lawyers world wide with glowing reviews.
Finally? You cannot work with LOI, ICPO,NCND, MPA, SCO an other nonsensical illegal procedures often cited online. You cannot earn a payment of ‘commission’ as a part of a intermediary string, as no mechanism to protect such payments internationally exists and circumvention is rife should commission be offered for assisting the principal on a deal. It is in the ill informed market place when all the scams and fakes deal subsist. We do not trade in such a diminishing market place.The intermediary must learn to trade as a legally defined buyer and seller of commodities. it’s the only way to secure profits legally without being circumvented.
Don’t understand what is being stated ? TWINE PDF will spell out everything need to know. We cannot guarantee that an intermediary will close a deal as personal abilities also plays a role,( establishing any new business never comes with a guarantee) but we guarantee that the procedures offered are unique, legally defined and is able to close a deal correctly and safely by an intermediary.The procedures are made specifically for intermediary use. History then dictates the rest. Set up your office, follow the doctrine and practice ‘makes perfection.’You are chasing huge deals in attempting to secure a huge sum of money by being highly informed. To do as much you need to know what you are doing- it’s that simple. Open up a website , and start trading as a highly informed and educated PCT.
TWINE 2024 has an exam applied in each section ( at applicant option apply). Those who intend to trade in their spare time and look for paid employment in the mean time; in a related industry will, now have a rare and difficult to obtain FTN Exporting International Trade Specialist (ITS) Certificate endorsed by the world leading expert and best selling international author Davide Giovanni Papa, to add to their resume; on the condition the applicant attains a pass mark of 90% or more when submitting the exam for scoring. FITS Certificate is a hardcopy , posted to the address served as applied when the study was purchased.
PER: TWINE PDF BETA 350,000 words 1000 pages plus
PCT Acting as a Buyer/Seller
PRICE may rise and fall as per AUD acting against USD
Ideal for new first time corporate or home based applicants wanting to consider becoming a commodities trader or conduct business of international Agency. Applicant may study trade full time or in your spare time, as FTNX is online weekend to serve applicants who are working during the week ( 6.00 am to 11.30 am AEST every morning to serve applicants) Anyone conducting business internationally should study this doctrine as well. Applicants who want to study with some support may buy TWINE PDF Offer (A). Support: As needed for I year and 3 months. The first 3 months is a study grace period. The interactive aspect commences thereafter for 12 months . The support email is offered to the PCT so they can start the trading process correctly and try while trading to actual secure a live deal for FTNX to take the lead, with those involved - specifically;
- Applicant buys TWINE as spends up to 3 months or less to study the advice intently
- Applicant now starts trading instructed.The first act - secure a supplier.
- Once a supplier is secured and OTS is sent to FTNX as stated in the doctrine.
- FTNX now directs the deal with applicants involved until failure over success is apparent
- The applicant learns process and procedure accordingly even where failure is apparent.
- Years of study and practice reduced to less than 12 months is being offered
The first 3 months do not count and is deemed a study period. Applicant may ask questions about aspects of trade not understood at this time via email. After 12 months, the applicant should be able to trade alone without supportas a PCT. Mistakes are expected at first, as we conduct business on a private ‘one on one’ friendly and casual manner via email. Applicant send us an email , we serve immediate reply is the process. We are unable to gauge the applicants skill level or abilities as such we cannot force an applicant to interact with us. This fast learning application works well on the condition the applicant has had at least a few interactions with FTNX. Even when failure is apparent, ( we must fail first before experience kicks in) the applicant will learn much about the overall process.To have an expert on standby, for 15 months, is greatly undervalued as FTNX charges US$ 300.00 per hour for one consult question in any other situation. The applicant may also try a the FITS exam on merit as instructed in TWINE segment (1) and have a FITS certificate advised where a pass mark of 90% or more has been attained; on the condition one single consult unit was applied within the ten month supported trading period. Those who do not interact with FTNX may still privately download deals from the FTNX library in 2025 where the applicant test such deals at their own pace.( Codes to open restricted PDF’s served and a Google private member email Google email address is served) as well as our phone number; used for for urgent advice sought about a potential deal). All applicants now get a SPCT logo and number causing to effect that the applicant is learning to trade while representing FTN Exporting as our representive. The SPCT logo remains with the applciant after the interactive period has expired to let others crossing your trading path know, that you are a highly infomed specialist. If a large complex deal is secured after the educatioal trainingperiod has expired, FTNX will still conosder interaction on such with a SPCT member , while FTNX is still trading online ( a few more years)
- TWINE PDF DOCTRINE : 5 Segments (All commodities)
- COFI IX PDF: 1 Segment ( crude oil and refined fuel deals added advice)
- INCENTIVE: SUPPORT: Up to 10 Consult type units valid for 10 months.
- INCENTIVE: SPCT Number /Jpeg logo served to identify a SPCT members:
- Access to FTNX GENERAL USCT and restricted SPCT library download for 2025
Payment for offer (A): Payment for the full amount via PayPal is accepted. The applicant represents FTNX for ten months . If you have a criminal record for fraud/theft, where you have been in prison for 3 months or more please do not apply. If you cannot read and write in English to a reasonable level do not apply ; as English language is the international language of big business. If you can’t afford their payment don’t think you’ll get it back on a quick deal - you won’t any time soon. Once payment is made we will advise you on our private email address and get you set up ASAP once payment has cleared . This aspect takes around 30 minutes and is applied when the applicant is at their computer. Applicant then starts the study aspect and checks FTNX SPCT library a few times a month. Learn procedures quickly and try and conduct a live trade while FTNX is in support. Follow site in 2025. This aspect is left to the discretion of the applicant.
PER: TWINE PDF BETA 350,000 words 1000 pages plus
PCT Acting as a Buyer/Seller
3 Question and answers (Q&A) email units comes with offer (B) that must be used within 4 months of purchase to serve clarity on matters of study not clearly underwood. Ideal for self learners who want ‘to go it alone’ at their own pace. Payment via PayPal for offer (B) accepted .
- TWINE PDF DOCTRINE : 5 Segments (All commodities)
- COFI IX PDF: 1 Segment ( crude oil and refined fuel deals added advice)
- INCENTIVE: SUPPORT: Up to 3 Q&A type email units valid for 4 months.
- INCENTIVE: USCT Number /Jpeg logo served to identify a USCT members crossing paths
- Access to FTNX GENERAL USCT library download for 2025
(1) SPCT membership is only available to new applicants taking offer (a) above ( so they learn the correct aspect from the start- no bad habits attained) or -
(2) FTN Exporting USCT endorsed traders who have studied the FTNX beta doctrine as purchased directly from FTN exporting from 2016 onwards and have spent a year or more trading thereafter may also apply. Seriously minded and experienced past USCT member will need to pay a US$ 380.00 yearly joining fee for immediate accpetance (marked as Paypal - USCT to SPCT payment ) The SPCT member simply works from the SPCT restricted library in 2025. The SPCT membership is valid for 12 months. Mistakes are tolerated and gudiance is ONLY served when a live deal is apparent , as the SPCT logo served to past USCT member attracts no other support ( Like that served to those taking offer (a) purchasers ) SPCT membership is only offered while this offer is listed at any given time. Some members will have their status posted on the site in 2025 for a few months to let other members know of your SPCT endorsed status. A USCT member converting to a SPCT membership is a PA to FTNX and is expected to test live deals found in the library and/or present an OTS or RFQ to FTNX directly.
(As From: 1 December 2024 )
Payment is made to Paypal via:
We are have been with Paypal or decades.
(Back up email:
- Make payment to PayPal as relevant . Send us email informing as much, and offer taken
- Once payment is received from this side well send you an email.
- Publication and material advised by email when PAYMENT has cleared
- FTNX contacts applicant via email and arranges for service sought to be initiated once payment has cleared.
- (For those around the world working, we are online weekends mornings (AEST) as well)
- Once contacted the applicant simply follows our email instructions to receive service/material sought.
- It takes about 30 minutes to send all material to applicant by email as a large study folder will eventuate
- Ideally applicant should have time, to be at their computer for 30 minutes when the download process commences
A private gmail address will be used to communicate with you.
Terms and Conditions of Purchase:
As applicable and relevant to the purchase is made
- FTNX holds governance over FTN Exporting, and ZEHEDBIKE (ZBIKE). FTNX is related to matters of trading. FTN Exporting retains matter of education from 2024.
- Applicant acting dishonourably after taking up mentorship/offers made may have services cancelled without recourse or remedy
- Private confidential secretive and very unique study served by the creator of such as created over a 35 year period; “no look first pay later aspects” available.
- All applicants apply the nature of business will learn a great deal from the information offered in WINE.
- Support is generously served with offer made in that a generous discount is apparent.
- FTNX normally charges outsiders up to US$ 300.00 per hour or part thereof, for support/ consultation services.
- is our current relevant educational website; FTNX is our trading website. Past offers made are not available once removed.,
- We have stated all relevant matters as they are, regardless if such matters seem negative, adverse or obtuse, to attract only applicants with firm trading intent.
- The study is designed for home-based or corporate entities wanting to buy and sell large scale commodities for the first time as a long term private business.
- We are offering educational services ‘no get rich quick scheme is offered.’ An academic level study is offered which cannot be found in a university or college.
- It is impossible to gauge which applicant will close a deal against those who will not.
- We guarantee that the lessons learned via our doctrine can legally close a import export deal as relevant.
- Reasonable skill in writing and reading in English, some basic skill in maths as well as skill in producing good documents via a computer must be evident before purchase of the service or doctrine is made.
- NO REFUND available, as this is a unique academic level formidable study owned and created by FTNX not found in any university college (Not Yet).
- Unsure about buying our Beta doctrine? Applicants should read ITSI first as our best selling doctrine can be found in all major libraries of the world including Library of Congress USA.
- Dishonest traders have tried to obtain the publication then cancel payment via PayPal which resulted in no refund; as FTNX does not honour obligation unlawfully created by others
- 35 year of work and experience is offered with our study.FTNX has been fully open about the nature of this difficult but exciting business.
- FTN Exporting is offering to educate/inform seriously minded intermediaries the proper export import process.
- Past deals are confidential have no bearing on the education aspect made.
- Applicants who want to formally study how to trade in commodities and related business of international agency, and banking legally, is being served intently
- The trading procedures and advice served is made for home-based first-time intermediaries, as well as suppliers and end buyers, lawyers, bankers, who will benefit from the advice provided.
- FTNX doctrine of trade can effectively and safely legally close commodity deals as per the expectations of current international trade rules and laws.
- No deal participation with FTNX is made with the study aspect ( Only fully mentored /apprenticed applicants have this right)
- One way or another delivery of the doctrine as a PDF or hardcopy is guaranteed
- Dishonourable intent if apparent will cause applicant to lose all support. Deliberately serving lies will do the same