Intermediary trade study 2025




FTN  Exporting: Established 1988

CEO: Davide Giovanni Papa Melbourne City Australia 

 No other contact given on line.

Trading : 


 From:  13 MARCH 2025




Leading Doctrine of Trade  for Buyer and Sellers worldwide 





Buying and  selling commodities world wide using legally defined  procedures for use by home based intermediaries, brokers and the likes, whether you are from Chicago, Tim Buk Tu or the North Pole if you want to conduct a commodity deal- the uniform doctrine of trade must apply.Even as the the economic world falls apart due to the US belligerency UCP universal banking rules remain stead fast as the safest highky trusted  payment application when tied with incoterms and FTNX doctrine of trade.


Word of mouth is the best publicity one can get, the big problem is that it often  takes a long time for this aspect to take effect. A PCT depends on ‘word or mouth’ generated business.  An ill-informed intermediary  can no longer rely on “good luck” when it comes to the buying and selling of commodities or related business of international agency. From 1988, FTN Exporting spent 8 years following the nonsensical and unworkable advice and procedures being plied by mostly people  who have no idea what they are doing. “I had to do a lot of  formal studies to finally work out  and discover what the correct  intermediary type of procedures are.” Today  many informed Professional Commodity Traders (PCT) are located world wide; all having  learned  the safe and properly applied  trading procedures, laws and rules  when buying and selling commodities-by applying our Doctrine of Trade. Follow the advice and trading procedures as advised in the  doctrine  to close upon a lucrative commodity deal. ITSI is our formal and fully edited  doctrine of trade still relevant  as a first print edition after 14 year of release. ; WINE PDF is 4 times larger and breaks its down to it in formal Beta masterworks. FTN Exporting developed the first and only legally defined set of  trading procedure made for ill informed traders, supplier, end buyers brokers and agents world wide. The  FTN exporting doctrine of trade is also a uniform application worldwide.International  trade rules and laws overrides localised policies and practices - no matter which you try you are from. The  economic might of a country like the USA or China must conform to the these trading rules as such rules apply ICC incoterms  standard delivery terms, whether you conduct an import export deal by ships or cargo planes.  Intermediaries must also follow the same rules with the support of english law of International trade, which also applies a world wide presence.  FTN Exporting has  formally changes the  global intermediary market place, once for all,  14 years ago after first entering the market place in 1988.It has  been a long road.  FTN Exporting g created  first and only genuine set of  buying and selling  procedures that an intermediary could study and apply when sourcing, buying and selling  commodities. We are known world wide. We have closed the ill informed market place world wide. Once the study part is completed which takes around 3 months - more or less,  and some good practice  has been made, the process and procedures will remain with the intermediary –forever.  This means if a PCT takes a break from trading  for a few months or years, they can pick up from where they left off easily. The once  ill-informed intermediary becomes an International Trade Specialist (ITS) bearing a business title of  “Professional Commodity Trader.” These  highly informed traders are united under the USCT logo; which means such PCT’s  can create stringed deals  with other PCT’s as per TRIBE Rules of Association (TRA) which states “ the person holding supply becomes the principal trader is such a string.”  USCT members have added in-house rules to apply as well.  


It all sounds ‘simple  enough’ but don’t be fooled. The term ’simple’  does not mean ‘easy.’ A complex study means there a whole lot of small aspects of trade that must be learned and understood before the big picture is served. To earn a huge sum of money  by closing one single medium sized revolving deal takes efforts , knowledge and skill. The PCT has to indeed ‘earn’ such  a profit. This kind of money is not  earned for doing very little like passing useless information around all day. Some will never close a deal, no matter how long they trade, some will get close often, some  will actually close a large commodity deal(s). This is the true nature of this lucrative but complex  business application .One has to spend at least a year  trading to know if this business is for them.  Those who want to give this business a serious attempt, must study the doctrine first, or your chances to close such deals are literally  zero otherwise. 


In Summary 

The PCT  working full time or in their spare time completes the study and starts trading to obtain much needed practice. Mistakes are tolerated as the PCT refines the process over time. Big deals take time to close as such in this period of learning and gaining experience , word of mouth will ‘get around.’ after 12 month of studying ands practising, large deals begin to form. History then dictates the rest. The FTNX doctrine of trade describes complex situations and procedures  is a very simple to understand manner that most applicant will be able to understand quickly.  Huge profits are only earned because knowledge and, skill and efforts were applied by the PCT. Please note intently: If you cannot read and write in english to a reasonable level , have a criminal record for fraud, don’t take up the study; otherwise  make your selection and remain  trading for a long time is our best advice. To score and seal one large lucrative revolving deal using brains and not brawn is well worth the efforts made. For those who work during the week, FTNX is online weeks as well.We created the only doctrine of trade  and trading procedure that is  suited for use by home based traders and even exporters, importers, brokers agents, law firms, bankers and the likes.  FTNX has tested its doctrine ago close on deals.  FTNX is instruction not just matter of rules and laws , but nearly 40 years experience well. Not many authors can make such a claim.  Do the study and toss your hat into the trading area as a highly informed Professional Commodity Trader . The investment is small for potentially a huge return. Worse case scenario , you would have learned a complex application that could guide your  business application is the future. Best  case scenario, you’ll close one large deal  and remain trading forever after- “once the trading bug bites it is very  hard to give trading up.”



The FTNX orthodox  trading aspect has protective measures incorporated to ensure the PCT applies safe legal dealings  at all times; an aspect  that MUST now apply without exceptions; to all new applicants trading in commodities for the first time. FTNX trades with the same orthodox procedures as per doctrine with advance aspects being served, from 15 March 2025, except  the said protective aspects  which have been removed as FTNX  aggressively ply the current market place. PCT taking this offer must not try to emulate  trading procedures offered on the FTNX trading site unless they are attached to FTNX as a currently registered  SPCT agent, as FTNX is testing  replacing the  problematic USD with other currencies. FTNX now accpets only EURO as payment for TWINE at this period of  time.




WINE PDF: 6 Segments PDF

TOTAL Pages: Exceeding  1200 printed on one side

TOTAL WORDS:  Exceeding 360,000  words.



COST: € 1315.00 (EURO)


You are a home based  self learner and/or intend  to trade in commodities alone as a PCT or  as part of a  string you are assisting to develop.In this case, the SPCT status will allow the applicant  attached to FTNX for 9 months to learn procedures while they actually attempt to trade., as the starting process seems to be the most difficult aspect for most applicants  to master quickly. With the SPCT aspect, the applicant can commence trading I n real live deals events,  with FTNX by their side  acting as their principals and adviser. The applicant still has to make the efforts to secure deals for surrendering to FTNX to enact with until failure of success is apparent ( failure  for the first year will be apparent.Failure is an important aspect related to the learning aspect.)You are prepared to read the doctrine over a 3 month period and start trading as advised therein.You are prepared to remain trading for a long time measured in years. You have any office environment at home of office. Even if you are working applying to trade in your spare time  is an acceptable proposition.PERSONAL SUPPORT is served at the SPCT level. Access to USCT/SPCT  library included for one year from date of purchase. You can read and write in English to a reasonable level and can apply simple maths then this study and application is suitable for all home based traders, new businesses and corporations  delving/trading  in imports exports and agency world wide. SPCT level support  means the applicant  reads and studies the doctrine for at least 3 months, (grace sturdy period ; questions about procedure not clearly understood? Please ask at this time via email in you own words)  the PCT then  interacts with FTNX as our Agent for another 9 months (minimum)  thereafter, by sourcing goods and presenting such to FTNX applying to your SPCT logo on all documents/emails . In doing as much, the  interactions via email will produce a fast paced learning environment as mistakes are corrected and the starting  process is refined. In other words the applicant  commences trading as a SPCT Agent in our name and interacts with us receiving  insights, directives  and advice while actually  trading experience along the way Thin is the valuable support served at a discounted price basis. Make the effort to interact with FTNX (D.G.Papa) and learn the business quickly before trading on your own; while being this open support  by email is in effect –makes a lot of sense. FTNX is amicable and treats each applicant personally and privately. Interaction may start with FTNX once the doctrine has first  been studied intently (most are able to study the  whole doctrine  within 2-4 months of purchase)  9  month interactive period commences on first contact made once grace study period is over . Even a few interactions at this level will advance the applicants learning and educational  aspect by years. While acting as a SPCT agent under our direction, live deals  are sought and tested as secured by the applicant and submitted to their principal FTNX. Directive /insight /advice  are served accordingly in a casual friendly manner by email.(We doubt that  a new applicant can secure a deal in such a short period, if it  happens FTNX protects all benefits) After 9 months the applicant  trades as a informed  and experienced  PCT  in their own name to refine  the process thereafter until  that one deal finally lands on  your lap - for closing. Doing the study, commence to source one supplier .Remain in contact with FTNX and queries are answered. All applicant must learn to secure a supplier on their own  first.This aspect has proven to be the most important aspect of the whole trading business - more so than ever before, in this  current economic situation. FTNX  check emails every morning 7 days pre week , and services  reply to members  accordingly. A private gmail address will be served for this purpose.

OFFER(B): TWINE is available  without SPCT support at € 590.00 (EURO) where access only to the USCT library and USCT logo is served. The USCT logo when applied on emails tells others crossing your path  that your are a highly informed trading specialist.

OFFER (C): USCT MEMBERS  with a USCT number and  FTNX private gmail email  issued by FTN Exporting; who have studied/practiced  the doctrine  for at least at  least 2 years or more  prior to purchasing the doctrine who want a SPCT Agents logo and test the new Euro Index  with FTNX as principal (strict procedures as per  FTNX doctrine, no inhouse forms)   the cost of such support is € 225.00.  Valid  until years end Decmeber 2025. This offer is only available while this offer is online. Applicant commences immediately  by securing a quotation  from a supplier first as a FTNX SPCT Registered Agent. We'll correct mistkes /direct the deal once a supplier is secured. Perfect refresher course to refine current stricter  set of procedures as per the FTNX doctrine.



  • USCT LOGO: To disclose to other crossing your path that you are  highly informed trader.
  • SPCT Agents Learn and trade on live deals  for FTNX as their disclosed principal 

 NOTE: If paying by USD and not Euro, please add extra USD $25.00 to the converted Euro valueis apaprent  to cover excessive transfer fee– If  USD is going to be advised to us 



Ask FTNX for a proforma  invoice via email, which will have our banking detail for bank to bank payments, or applicant may pay using Euro via Paypal. 

Apply the offer details and pay by PayPal making payment to  which is our long standing Paypal payment advice. 

You don’t need an  PayPal account  to make payments from PayPal to our email address.

  1. Read terms and conditions  below: Make payment of selection made 
  2. Send email that payment has been made; 
  3. Advise a personal profile about you ( Work/education/skill/ /family etc) 
  4. Wait for our reply ( within 24 hours) of payment clearing
  5. Following our directives from thereon via our private gmail  address which will be provided with our  first reply 

Note:  It takes around  30 minutes to provide a  full WINE PDF aspect offer (A) , this means when the applicant  has a spare  30  minutes and that,  contact is established with FTN exporting  with those applicants  on an opposing timeline ASAP. 

The applicant  must be at their computer  when the download aspect is enacted.  Download to iPhone not allowed. The applicant must place all files into one folder  and have an office set up at home or at work.




Terms and Conditions 

  1. This is not a get rich scheme .This unique study was created  y FTN Exporting
  2. A high end educational  study aspect. 
  3. If you cannot afford  the cost, do not apply.
  4. ITSI is our forma; edited  doctrine of trade .TWINE is a beta publication  4 time bigger  than ITSI which breaks ITSI down to a step by step basis in an informal manner 
  5. A BETA copy of WINE is offered as relevant to the offer made. 
  6. It takes years to formally edit a publication the size of WINE as such, mistakes in grammar/spelling will not detract  from the overall complex lesson being served– in a very simplified manner.  
  7. The wrong thought; is to buy the study and recoup the cost on your first deal. It will take at least ten months to trade alone  to a reasonable level of application .Time does the rest.
  8. Over 50% of applicants  don’t last 15 months before giving up.  Around  27% of applicants  are still trading 7 years or more purchase. 
  9. A study  and practice application is served 
  10. Longevity is an important aspect. Mistakes are needed before success can prevail.
  11. A high end fast track  academic level educational aspect is on offer.
  12. 3 or 4 years of formal study condensed in under 12 months 
  13. Fair use policy applies. Asking too many question or tying down FTNX with too many requests will cause a slow down of services.
  14. For purpose of clarity A SPCT logo is only served to those who have permission to represent FTNX when trading, a s served in the year the logo was issued 
  15. A SPCT logo may be used by the  applicant after interaction with FTNX has ceased to declare that the applicant is a highly informed individual.
  16. Good and honourable intent applies at all time when delving with FTNX
  17. Dishonourable acts could incur immediate detachment and cancellation of service taken.
  18. Delivery of the publication is guaranteed even if delays are apparent. 
  19. If you are unable to download and open a PDF segment, FTNX has the right to call upon a nearby member to assist you.
  20. NO REFUND POSSIBLE once purchase is made as no preview is offered on this unique study and material provided. 
  21. No reproduction of TWINE PDF in any manner allowed.The publication comes with a license to use policy and is served personally to the person making the purchase.
  22. USCT member may use information found on the FTNX website on their own website on the condition acknowledgement of FTN Exporting is offered however small.
  23. Applicants  living in a country where US,ECC and UK  trade  sanctions are in force may not apply for the study.
  24. We cannot gauge a person personal attributes and abilities as such we simply cannot guarantee trading success. 
  25. What is guarantee is that the lesson served to the home based intermediary can legally, safely   and formally closes on large revolving  commodity deals , no matter the product being purchased and sold.
  26. The PCT must learn to become a  highly informed educated seller and buyer of commodities  in their own name; by learning correct procedures,  the chances to close such deal otherwise is literally zero.