Intermediary (PCT) News and Updates 2024
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POSTED 20 December 2023
FTN Exporting office is closed from 23 December 2023.The office will be partly manned from the 28 December 2023, and fully manned from 2nd January 2024.Inquiries made during these times willl have a delayed reply period of 48 hours.
POSTED 22 December 2023
Every year around Christmas time, a lot of trade activity occurs as many ill iformed traders appear out of nowhere. PCT's are reminded to avoid interacting with such traders. In 2024 business will commece earlier than usual as trade inquiries from January and Feburary are already in hand. Metals and Copper Cathodes are eagerly sought as well as LNG . FTN Exporting will take another look at the LNG market place to test agian if a potential exists for PCT's to sell LNG.
POSTED 28 December 2023
Mettilurgical Coal (rather than thermal coal) and iron ore will attract many buyers in 2024 as will D2. While iron ore will become difficult to souce, not so coal and D2, especially if Putin is "toppled from his throne in 2024." FCL Copper cathodes may also drop in price as auto makers are having difficulty secuirng buyer of new EV's, after so many adverse reports on the quality of some cars, have come to the fore. Add to this, the second hand EV market is also causing concern as the expense of replacing the battery and tyres on most second hand EV is not attracting buyers. Some buyers who have changed a battery on second hand EV purchase; have reported many other 'bits and pieces ' start to also fall apart/brake down, where replacemant parts ( if available) are very expensive. A new EV is good for the first 5 years, before major expenses become apaprent–has become evident. EV's may actually not be mitgating climate change aspects, as tyre replacements in shorter time than petrol driven cars, have increased in use with EV's. It seems EV days are numbered. It seems crude oil still remains 'supreme.' Jet fuel is also becoming the biggest threat to the cliimate as 99% of a burned jet fuel used in large airlines, is returned to the atmoshere. Billions of gallons ( tons) of burned jet fuel released into the atmosphere every year, is the real climate change culprit not gasoline driven cars, because "air travel for the masses has become cheap and nasty.'
6 Jan 2024
USA has for the first time in history , has overtaken Qatar in the export of LNG. LNG tankers via Calcasieu River, terminal near Cameron , Louisiana, whiuch have have increase sales by 15.0% since the commencement of the Russian assault on Ukraine. Most export cargoes head out of LNG terminals on the Gulf Coast via Texas and Louisiana for European, Asian and Latin American destinations; add to this; the Netherlands, the U.K., France, Spain and Germany - are currently importing well over half of total U.S. LNG exports .Venture Global LNG Inc.'s Plaquemines LNG Terminal (Louisiana) is another LNG supplier set to come on stream in early 2025, which will ramp up production by another 40 million MT. FTNX will produce a OTP soon for testing LNG sales by very experiences USCT practitioner of the FTNX Trade doctrine.One major issues with LNG sales is that they are conducted as per the CIF delivery modes; the scarcity of LNG vessels may still hamper PCT’s efforts to trade in LNG. In any case securing buyers for a 10 year LNG contract of supply ‘subject to securing a vessel’ and not actual supply may play into the hand of the PCT’s ability to secure a LNG vessel. FTNX will place the LNG OTP when ready in the FTNX library and test the market place before amending aspect of TRA due for updating late 2024.
Are TEXT MESSAGES legally binding?
12 Jan 2024
The short answer is YES. A PCT could be placed into a legally binding position while negotiating on a commodity deal via text message. When one party draws inference from text messages that caused such another party to prepare goods ( to perform) for exporting, based on the positive aspects of text communication between said parties; in where one party, the PCT acting as buyer, subsequently cancels the deal; could face expenses occurred in getting goods ready for export. The PCT has two options to protect it position. In where the PCT does not intend the offer to be served as legally binding ,the text message has a disclaimer on the bottom stating words to the effect (a) All offers subject to final contract. The PCT may now also add on all correspondence (b) The supplier has no permission to prepare goods for a potential buyer, until final contract are signed. The PCT must know intently what they are doing if they are going to allow the deal with the supplier to become legally binding , once the offer is accepted. An offer once accepted can incur accrued expenses in getting goods to port, if the PCT cancels the order thereafter.
16 Jan 2024
The FTNX offer format is an elaborate document for good reason. FTNX treats the offer as being the most important document when an ongoing deal is apparent. An Ill informed intermediary can continue to trade on useless offers made by ill informed others or they may ply the FTNX offer format, and stop wasting valuable time trading with ‘idiotic others.’ The FTNX offer stops the informed PCT from wasting time on dead end deals. A real end buyer scrutinising a FTNX issued offer has three options. (a) they may sign the offer as accepted or they may (b) reject the offer and make a counter offer; or (c) not service a reply at all. When a real end buyer examines a FTNX offer, they are made fully aware of their obligations. Therefore real end buyers will sign a FTNX offer to proceed to contract more often than not. Fake end buyers will not consider a FTNX offer as they don’t understand most of its legal basis and terms of reference, as such is it best to deal with a 1000 fake buyers every year or in any given year from the many offers sent out by a PCT, is it better to receive only a few replies from real end buyers.The answer is well tested by FTNX over a very long period of time. Obtaining a reply from a few end buyers, in any given year on a sourced produced secured by a PCT is the only way to conduct and attract real business. The PCT needs to hear only from real end buyers; in doing so a genuine possibility to close upon a large commodity transaction is at hand. A PCT must spend the whole year sourcing supply , as goods are continually being sourced, the PCT must also enact with a few ‘real ‘ end buyer at the same time. In this light, a PCT would be reasonably busy when end buyers are being tested, while receiving inquiries from suppliers. This is the correct light to trade in. To have in hand a secured supply of let’s say Copper Cathodes means the PCT will further test end buyer only, and trash all other ' buyers’ accordingly. The experience needed to close on the contract comes from being able to attract end buyers; the failure to close a deal at this level, is not a bad thing for a novice trader- in fact, it means ‘ experience’ is gained to do with the contract stage. A few failures at the contract stage, also means the PCT is no longer fearing to arrive at the contract stage, and therefore as confidence levels rise, this event will cause the PCT to work harder to secure that one large revolving deal. This is why a PCT must study the doctrine for a few months and start trading immediately as instructed; to obtain much need trading experience. This is why a PCT will not close a deal for the first 12 months even though they are fully knowledgable of the doctrine and required trading rules and laws, as they lack experience. However once this stage has passed, deals usually start forming where the PCT will actually have real offers signed by real end buyers. A few failed offers, a few failed contracts will deliver the required experience for the PCT to actually close a lucrative deal in the future. A PCT who does not proceed intently to commence trading after a few months of studying the doctrine is actually doing themself an injustice, because the longer it takes to start delving at the offer and contract level, the greater the prospects are that a potential deal will never close. Read the doctrine, and start trading to get experience is a crucial aspect, that many applicants have not adhered with. The PCT will make mistakes when they start to trade, but it's the mistakes that will also lead to securing the required experience.In any case the doctrine protects the PCT from liabilities due to such mistakes as stated in the doctrine. An applicant must read the doctrine quickly and intently, asks questions needed to clarify a scenario they are unsure about , and start trading ASAP is a vey important aspect that many PCT's have simply avoided.
18 Jan 2024
With the Suez canal under attack, ships are taking the 'long way around.' The PCT must assume freight value to equal around 25% of the goods value when insurance is accounted for on a CIF transaction on VLBC deliveries. For crude oil carriers at VLCC CIF travelling through the Suez canal expect a insiurance rate of up to 5.0% of goods value(500/100). As for Nigerian crude oil, BP has sold its share of its onshore operations, retaining its off shore operations The NNPC now owns a 55.0% share in when ENI ( Italy) and others have secure a stake in NNPC. While NNPC supply can be tested in around 6 months, such change is expected to make no difference to the PCT when is comes to dealing/sourcing Nigerian crude oil. As for Russia, sanctions are being pressed further with American corresponding banks avoiding handling payments for Russian export transactions.
Added Educational Matters and Insights
12 Feb 2024
Excerpt Beta: IPSI 2025
FTNX only examines large revolving contract for 2024 allowing me ( D.G.Papa) to commence and apply other business ideas that has support in part of the procedural aspect offered in ITSI. Learning to buy and sell commodities is closely related in matters of procedure that could be used for conducting other types of localised or international business. A bank that adheres to UCP 600 DLC Rules in conducting international trade transactions as located lets say in the U.K Australia or the USA, would also accept the very same type of DLC from lets says a builder for another state located in the USA. A builder is asked to agree to a completion date. Contracts are signed. A IDLC is advised as payment. The builder offers a P.G SLC. Nobody gets paid unless the work has completed on time and that if it is not competed on time, the P.G of the builder will be claimed. The DLC will need among other documents, a clean original statutory occupancy certificate to be produced ‘at sight’ before the builder can collect on the IDLC. Nobody gets hurt when building companies collapse as they have recently in Australia - leaving over 5000 people with uncompleted homes; such people who are repaying huge bank loans taken out to buy such homes. Only large long serving, financially stable builders will accept such aspects, albeit it may cause the buyer to have an added premium to be added to the standard price of construction; but the buyer hearing the stress and anxiety the follows families when their homes were lost due to builders going into liquidation; is the far worst–of two evils. Furthermore the buyer will gain a fee if the builder is late on ‘delivery’ via the activation of the P.G. This aspect is an added incentive to favour the buyers side, that ensures a builder will refrain from readily making false claims-before accepting such a contract. As far as the builder asking for a huge junk of the building price upfront; if he is a creditworthy and honourable person - as per the perspective of his banker, then his bank will willing service a loan, to the builder who needs to buy material for a new construction job, and pay workers. His bank will issues a P.G and his bank will collect on the payment on his behalf. A genuine and financially strong, honourable and experienced builder could easily conduct business in such a manner without needing a loan - ‘cowboys’ cannot. End International Projects and the Successful Intermediary (IPSI) is the next publication being created by FTN Exporting for business minded entrepreneurs wanting to legally apply a uniform world wide aspect on “how to create an investment project” as supported by a sister best selling publication International Trade and the Successful Intermediary (2010) But before FTNX offers such a publication to the public, the business aspects offered in IPSI needs to first be proved. The ZEHED-BIKE project created by inventor Davide Giovanni Papa will be the basis used to support IPSI, once a working prototype is completed and tested.
15 Feb 2024
Our previous publication (COSI) will not be released as the Russian and Ukraine war has wiped this part of the PCT market off the map, especially the much traded Russian crude oil and refined fuel sector, which must now bear western financial sanctions. Our BETA publication COFI 2024 has absorbed parts of COSI.If time permits FTNX may launch its FTNX Private Patents business under the LDV ( Leonardo Da Vinci) Members heading. We placed a page on the FTNX website for a few days when request started coming in. We removed the FPP application and hope to return to it mid year. This business is a freelance application; meaning it was created without guidance from a doctrine but in abeyance of the laws and rules as applicable locally and/or internationally.
16 Feb 2024
Q: I live in USA. I could sell USA goods to a buyer in China, who does not want to open a DLC in USA bank account held by the Seller in the USA( me) for no known legitimate reason. Perhaps he does not understand the USA banks conduct business internationally every day including China. Is there another alternative method that I could try and close this deal safely. He will open the IDLC, but not in the USA.
A:FTNX has been through this process a number of times .It’s a complex procedure only suited to highly informed and experienced PCT. Perhaps he has legal trouble with the USA Government is one suggestions.
All PCT must remember this; An adhering UCP Bank will not break UCP 600 procedures; that does not mean that you advising bank is not able to offer complementary services to a PCT, however smaller banks may not be able to offers their service to compliment a standing deal, due to bank policies. Only large highly informed banks could do as much , more so if the seller looks to secure a confirmed letter of credit.
So you are in USA; let’s say New York City.The contract price and DLC value is for : US$80,773,433.00
Buyer advises a CONFIRMED DLC to a USA corresponding bank located in China at its counter in your name. So CITI Bank operates China. The corresponding bank is acting for YOUR bank. So your bank is able to correspond with CITi Bank USA, who in turn is able to correspond with Citi-bank In CHINA. You instruct your Bank and thus your instructions travel down the line. The bank do the closing on your behalf ‘at sight’- the availing and transfer fee are going to add up, therefore the DLC MUST be confirmed where all documents that need presenting to your bank, are going to be sent to the DLC confirming bank- via SWIFT. Whatever the price of goods , add 3.0% to cover added expenses is the added price of doing business if the buyer will not follow the simplest route. You need to ensure you own profit margin is on the higher end at well; as some of your own profits may need to also contribute to added expense.
Bank are intermediaries as well. It is their presence that serves a secure trading environment , and thus they will take part of the action, via fees and charges- and rightfully so.You need to set it all up from your side.When you are ready for the DLC to be advised, arrange to speak your bank manager to advise the bank what you want to do. Large banks will look at such an aspect smaller banks will not. It;s technical and complex way to close a deal , it's also expensive but it could be done. Do you really want to try such a process? Are you very experienced at trading? If not , dump the deal and walk way, is a 50/50 option, because it could get really messy or it could go through smoothly; often however it's the former aspect that will eventuate.
16 Feb 2024
FTNX applies matter of doctrine and correct legally defined procedures advise there in. A PCT cannot simply use formal documents ‘all the time’ (unless the PCT is strictly working alone as a Buyer/Seller and Principal ) because the PCT often meet people who may have something to offer but who are not suppliers or end buyer. To entertain such ‘traders’ the PCT uses it own created FTNX in-house documents when considering such potential business associated with a stringed deal. We have In-house documents (IHD) and we have formal documents(FD) which we have highlighted in one single listing below- even though such matters are already scattered in “Good and Bad Terms of Trade ” section. An in-house document MUST not be used when a PCT is dealing directly with the supplier or end buyer; and are used in-house among string member dealing with a PCT who is heading the deal.Most In house documents ( not all) do not have the same legal force as formal documents. IHD are designed to save time for the PCT, while ensuring all matters of the deal are clearly spelled out- the first time around when directing ISS member in a stringed deal.
- BIF:IHD (BUYER INQUIRY FORM) An end buyer is making an informal inquiry to the PCT for goods it has seen listed on the PCT’s website. The end buyer may have been advised that a PCT has goods he is looking for could also advise a BIF, which is no legally binding ( NLB)
- OTS:IHD (OFFER TO SELL) An ISS has come across a genuine supplier and needs a PCT to consider heading the potential deal .The ISS takes all the information it has gathered and applies it on one OTS Form , which is sent to the PCT heading the deal.(NLB)
- RFQ:IHD (REQUEST OFR A QUOTE) Again an end buyer is seeking a quote for goods listed on a PCTs website or when the PCT or its ISS members is being asked to source a product.
- AOS:IHD (ASSURANCE OF SUPPLY) Instead of a formal LB offer a supplier dealing with a PCT or its string members can advise an informal document defined as an AOS (NLB). It allows a casual atmosphere to develop without effecting obligations of either party to a deal.
- OTP:FD (OFFER TO PROCURE) it simply an offer issued by an PCT acting as Buyer r issued when an AOS of offer from a supplier has been rejected. An OTP is also used by experienced PCTs when sourcing goods outright ‘.Procure’ literally means ‘using skill to buy.’ (LB)
- IPG:IND (IRREVOCABLE PAYMENT GUARANTEE) IPG by its nature of being a Promissory Note has a legally binding status. The PCT can use an IPG to pay Commission, LDD, Rebates and the likes. The deal being conducted binds the promissory attributes of the IPG.(LB)
- MOU:FD (Memorandum of Understanding) served by the PCT to the supplier, produced when assured good comes with a long validity, may also be used as an Agency Agreement or Counter-trade. The details on the MOU produces no surprises when a OTP is advised by the PCT to the supplier when actually buying the goods offered under a MOU.It a formally applied document but it no legally binding (NLB)
- OFFER:FD A PCT as buyer may consider an offer from a supplier or reject it and counter with an OTP. A PCT acting as a seller may issue an OFFER to its end buyer .Unless stated differently on the offer, the offer once signed is legally binding on all parties(LB)
- PG:FD A formal bank issued financial document supporting a performance guarantee via a SLC is advised by the supplier to the PCT once the payment for goods has been accepted. If a delivery is late, the PCT receives the P.G rate offered unconditionally. If the PCT is late with delivery then so is the client of the PCT the end buyer.This means the LDD offered to the end Buyer by the PCT is paid out when the PCT is paid on theP.G from the suppliers side.(LB)
- LDD: IHD (Late Delivery Discount). Whenever a side payment needs to be made as it relates to late delivery penalty, being called from the PCT by the end buyer, the LDD offered to the end buyer on contract is legally binding. (LB)
- I hope the above stops the confusion. PCT must read their doctrine again if they have not understood the above aspects. FTNX cannot mentor applicant contacting FTNX on a potential deal .FTNX assumes such traders already have a deep understanding of in house procedures, before they contact FTNX as we cannot spend time needed to instruct a PCT or ISS on aspect that they ought to have understood long ago. FTNX will not serve any inquiry unless the correct form is apparent.
Palestinian Children Starving
23 Feb 2024
The Israelis are doing to the Palestinians what was done to them 80 years ago, via the much lauded holocaust. They are intentionally annihilating a race of people for no just purpose other than to possess more land. Others say it's all political, I say it’s all about securing land. What the ‘Jews’ have never understood to this day, that while the concentration camps killed up to 10 million people, over 40 million “Christians" had also suffered horrible deaths - something never mentioned before. To be carted off, in a train and then gassed is a chamber, under the pretext of having a shower; is equally as worse as having your stomach sliced open by shrapnel, where your intestines are beating on some foreign beach, while you watch in horrific pain, your own death taking place–taking an hour to do so. 40 million Christians suffered horrific deaths in World War II, such deaths which are not exclusive to only Jews and yet in 2024 here are the Jews applying a scorched earth policy on all people who are not Jewish situated in a piece of land, not their own, but as conferred to them by the UN, and supported by nations like the USA. The time has come to call a “spade a spade.” In my opinion and feelings, like those of so many others; Isreal has made its point months ago,it has won the one way battle, and yet to this day families especially young children are being slaughtered indiscriminately; and are being starved to death by the actions of a Government bearing a far superior army- for what reason, I don not know. The land has been won, while the murdering continues will lead to the ultimate outcome. The Jews facing war crimes, is the ultimate and most shameful irony of all. The sweet success of a good fight is only conferred to the winner when a formidable enemy has been fairly and squarely beaten;Isreal has won it fight with Hamas and lost its humanity in doing so. As for other Arabic countries not speaking up or acting in defence of “their own kind" is also a disgrace. You may call it politics; and that people like me are naive, and don’t understand the situation, is a poor excuse; that a person of Hungarian heritage like myself, can readily recognise, more so than most others. I do know the difference between defending or protecting ones own sovereignty–and murder. As for the USA being slapped in the face by Isreal; this is the side of politics I don’t understand at all. I do not understand how the USA government and its people has allowed it to go so far; with both Isreal and indeed Ukraine. As seen in the last 2 years, Ukraine can readily stand up to Russia, and yet at this most crucial peiod in the war, the speaker of the house has decided that a two week break is in order; while Ukraine is in need of immediate support. The USA must impose sanctions with all countries conducting crude oil/fuel business with Russian; this is how quick results are achieved. The Russian people don't want this war; but Putin thinks otherwise. As for the Palestinian’s; they need their own land , just like is was conferred to the Jews, and on the same basis - Palestinians have (are) endured the deaths and destruction of so many families, not in years but weeks and months, at the hands of a Government more akin to the virtues of Hitler and Pol Pot than a nation of just people - who we have all presumed had learned intently from the lessons served in the past. Isreal is wrong. No if’s buts, or politics. “ I may not like the cut of a persons Jib, but I will fight , the virtuous fight, to the end for their undeniable right to a peaceful existence.We all have such rights; and what you allow to be done to others today, may be done to you tomorrow–no matter who you are.’”
3 April 2024
Could FTNX show an example on how international trade payment procedures could be applied locally as stated in the doctrine.
Let’s look at house builders in Australia.
Builder in Australia and other countries have acted unprofessionally for decades. Toady the building industry is facing insolvency on a daily basis, leaving consumers in dire straights as the contract to do with the house being built, has nothing to do with the financial part of the process. The home owner still needs to repay a bank a monthly mortgage interest rate, even though the house being built has been abandoned. There are bad practices creeping into the local commercial sector , where payment upfront is being demanded for services yet to be rendered. When one goes to the shop, a person sights the product, and takes it to the counter, where it paid for. Today, this important aspect when buying something, has gone out the window thanks to the internet and purchases made online; where payment is sought first by ‘intermediaries’ e.g: eBay, Paypal, Medicare etc.. to pay for something, without actually handling or sighting their product means the consumer is buying a product as per “overt market conditions.” They are paying for goods and accepting such goods ‘as advertised’ and not for the goods that will be ultimately delivered. In this light the description of goods being offered must be clearly described.The description of goods now plays a very important role- when small purchase prices is applicable. For larger orders, such aspects cannot apply.I could (have) order goods worth tens of millions of dollars from a suppliers half way around the world where the supplier does not get a cent until the goods are delivered. Even freight is no deemed to be “earned” until goods are delivered first. The term ‘earned’ is relevant.This is the correct commercial application for most countries in the world when buying anything internationally ; and is indeed applied for purchases made locally. The product comes first, whether buying large shipments lots - or a packet of cigarettes from a local store.If a supplier is late with delivery it forfeits a “Performance Guarantee”, which must be posted by the supplier to favour the buyer, to help such mitigate its own expenses., due to ‘late deliveries.’This application should be applied against those in the building industry, where the builder lodges a P.G after payment is ‘guaranteed’ and yet to be ‘ earned’ by the builder. Builders are meant to be ‘cashed up’; instead we have too many builders who are not ‘financially’ stable, taking on too much ‘overpriced’ work, by asking for upfront payments from home buyers. This is fundamentally a wrong application on how to conduct commercial business. It allows those with no financial status to obtain large amounts of cash upfront , without such cash being ‘earned.’ The builder is meant to complete the building, where they are paid when the work is done; doing as much will ensure the “Cowboys” are eliminated from the industry. The buyer, after the offer and contract with the builder is signed; posts a bank issued letter of credit or guarantee assuring future payment to the builder, as issued from the buyers bank. When the work is completed (delivered) they are able to collect on funds already lodged by the buyer after the contract was signed and occupancy certificate has been issued “at sight.” No certificate or if the certificates are not clean ( qualified) no payment can be collected until the issues with the home are rectified. When the house buyer guarantees it payments, the builder lodges, lets say a 3.0% performance guarantee, again as issued by its bank which forces the builder to take its roles very seriously. The builder must provide a ‘delivery date.’ For every week it is late with ‘delivery’, the buyer get the performance guarantee rate is unconditionally paid.This aspect helps the buyer to pay it home loan, and for any added expenses to do with having to wait for ‘delivery.’ A builder who cannot lodge a 10 / 20,000 dollar PG is said to be financially unstable. In law this aspect is known as ‘RWA’ or “Ready Willing and Financially Able.”A builder must be ‘RWA’ when they take on any new jobs. A P.G reinforces this aspect. This aspect now ‘guarantees’ that a worthy financially stable builder is on hand and that ; a builder will be paid when the work is completed (delivered) .This aspect also guarantees a buyer compensation, for ever week the builder is late with delivery. This simple perspective protects everyone and are aspects that are already used by all the major banks in the world’s including Australia, as such rules are already establish and therefore easy to implement- immediately. These aspects assure that only qualified builders who are RWA remain in the industry and industry, which has caused so many heartaches for some many people in austral in recent times. Bank earn a fee for ‘overseeing’ the financial part of the transaction. This who have studies the FTNX doctrine can see the correlation between International laws and localised laws as per this one example
4 April 2024
If a PCT accepts a DLC from a corresponding bank of the DLC issuing bank, the transfer fee from the issuing bank to the corresponding bank, must be paid by the buyer. The corresponding bank will now ask for a transfer fee from the PCT when it transfer the DLC to its banks advised from the corresponding bank; the issue here is that the corresponding bank transfer fee would be higher that the standard rate being applied by the issuing bank. Once the DLC is in the account of the PCT, the transfer fee from the PCT to the bank of the supplier is for the supplier to pay. This will ensure the added layer of security in in play, as the DLC is transferred to the bank issuing the transfer fee ( it remains fully trackable).This is the orthodox aspect, in where the term ‘ or as agreed upon’ also forms the orthodox trading aspect. The PCT when dealing directly with the bank issuing the DLC , must pay for the transfer fee, when the DLC leaves the bank of the PCT to the suppliers bank where no corresponding bank is involved. The term ‘ as agreed’ means the PCT has sold the goods to the end buyer to includes this aspect. If the PCT accepts the transferable DLC and pay for the transfer fee, the risk here is that the PCT could still lose its money, should the end buyer decides to renege on the contract ( which does happen ;FTNX has lost the TF twice in the early years; hence the doctrine is specific for this reason, on this matter) or the supplier decides to not honour its assurance of supply. A first time deal applied by a PCT where such loses the transfer fee it has paid form its own pocket could have a financially devastating effect. The first deal, the post MUST secure the transfer fee from the end buyer ; in this light the supplier is now compelled to honour its side of the deal without any reasonable excuses being plied. On a second and subsequent deal, after making a profit on the first deal, the PCT could now pay the transfer fee, and seek reimbursement of such from the supplier, is also tied to the orthodox trading aspect and the preferred a trading aspect; other PCT could seek the transfer fee from the supplier in where the DLC is now transferred to the same bank issuing the TF, is the safest all round aspect, in accordance with UCP rules.Even though two options are available the PCT should remain with the idea that the TF is payable from the end buyers side; especially when closing on a first time deals being the approve aspect and lawful aspect falling within the bounds of UCP rules and that corresponding bank are avoided unless not the aspects becomes available. FTNX has sought the TF from end buyers in 80% of the time - to this day. If an end buyer does not want to pay the TF, then the DLC must be advised as confirmed, which is going to the cost the end buyer more. In this case , the PCT having a non transferable but confirmed credit in its account, must ensure that the bank of the supplier has a corresponding branch in the same country as the PCT. The PCT now collects its documents from the corresponding bank at the suppliers expenses.The transport documents are marked and changed accordingly and presented from the bank of the PCT to the bank of the end buyer for at sight collection is again a advanced trading aspect, which could be used by a PCT once good experience has been gained. First time deals, the PCT seeks the TF from the end buyer is the safest and best aspect, and if need be the PCT can even promise to rebate the TF once the delivery cleanly takes placed. To act outside the bounds of the doctrine is a high risk application.
21 May 2024
Added clarity on prevous postings: The PCT must secure the DLC transfer fee from the end buyers side. The doctrine is clear on this apsect. Only very expereinced traders (PCTs) can attempt an advanced trading aspect, to secure the transfer fee from the supply side. A PCT who has closed a deal ( made money) is able to consider added risks only if it means closing an active live deal. The issue is to do with circumvention. If you collect the Transfer fee from the supply side, that only secures the fee from the PCT to the supplier; the Transfer fee from the end buyers side to the PCT will still need to prevail as UCP only infers that the fee is paid by the 'seller' unless otherwise agree upon differently. A PCT is indeed acting as a seller to its end buyer. Since many end buyers use a corresponding bank, the transfee fee will be requested from the PCT. If you attempt to secure the transfer fee from the supplier and not the end buyer, then the DLC has to travel from the end buyer bank directly to the bank of the supplier- this one mistake could cost the PCT dearly. This is why an assignment of a credit cannot be applied as the assignemnt must be for the full amount. This is why a corresponding bank could create a problem for the PCT. The aspect wrtitten previously about the transfer fee is assuming that the PCT has good long trading expereince and is dealing with large banks directly .The end buyer MUST pay the transfer fee direclty to the bank of the PCT and not to a correspoinding bank which also a huge trap for the PCT. In effect unless attached and guidned by FTNX where advanced training was served, the PCT must secure the transfer fee from the end buyers bank as directly served to the bank of the PCT, when the time to transfer the credit has arrived. This act in effect allows the fee to be tracked all the way to the supplier in where even though now disclosed, the PCT cannot be circumvented at this stage of the deal, is the assured safest aspect. Any other advanced trading aspects may carry serious risk if a mistake is made.. Sticking to the doctrine is your only safe trading aspect, even when sactions are in effect.
21 May 2024
Another email this month again is sought to address the following issue:There may be scope to use an assigned credit within a country, but when you are dealing internationally - only one rule applies. To assign a credit from the end buyer directly to the supplier using a PCT is not a viable trading option, unless the supplier is in the same country as the PCT and even here its a precarious deal for the PCT to deal with.You cannot assign a part of the credit , therefore the whole credit has to be handed over, directly to the supplier from the end buyer . The PCT must then secure its commission from the supplier ; a presumption is made here that the supplier will not pay a PCT millions of dollars in commission unless he is not of sound mind. In essence the PCT acts for a named ‘ disclosed principal’ and not simply an ‘entity’ on both sides of the fence and the PCT hopes that the Supplier once obtaining the credit and initiates the first delivery will pay the PCT its earned agreed upon commission, being the differences of the supply price and added commission valued added on top of this price, as sold by the PCT to the end buyer. To obtain agreed commission from a supplier located in e.g: Africa made payable to a PCT in USA, after the end buyers advised a DLC to the supplier directly - is the open road aspect of circumvention. Furthermore , if the USA PCT decides to take the matter to court in let’s say where the supplier is in the USA, such a case has to be heard in the federal court. Unless the PCT is declared to be a seller/buyer, the case will not be heard as ‘Intermediaries’ are not represented in the federal court - in many democratic countries. Simply put - no assignment of credit allowed.
22 May 2024
Again the CIF aspect is causing some confusion with PCTs. Where its CIF, CFR or FCA incoterms , the freight rate once served by the supplier is accepted , the DLC value must include the payment of freight as well as goods (and have insurance cover as well- as relevant) The supplier collects on the value of goods only and leaves the freight rate behind to favour the end buyer. Many end buyer prefer a CIF,CFR or CIP quote/offer. The problems is securing an accurate CIF price takes but of work, as most first time deals fail along the way until the PCT refines their process and gains trading experience. Offering a CFR price however offers a very different aspect in where the FOB@F delivery modes offers the best easiest aspect for PCT to try. The goods are sold at FOB. The PCT then arranges for a carrier to deliver the goods to the end buyer. A rate will be served. Since the PCT has the credit in its control, a verifiable in house credit will be suffice to prove RWA to the carrier, who then takes the goods with a lien attached in lieu of freight.This is where the BOL will have a ‘prepaid’ stamp applied on the BOL. Pre paid is not the same as ‘earned.’ When the ship arrives at the destination port, it will not unload the goods ( or unload it via a warehouse to the care of the carrier) unless payment for freight is made. Since the delivery mode initially was at FOB, the supplier via the PCT would have been paid ( DLC collected upon) for the goods at port of loading once goods clear the ships rail.The carrier at destination port advises a invoice for freight over to the end buyer.The PCT would have collected on the DLC, but the PCT leaves the freight rate amount behind, to favour the end buyer as a credit .The End buyer looks in it account to find the value of the freight component is left in its account as a credit.The funds are drawn to pay for freight carriage - as quoted by the PCT. The end buyer is handed the BOL, allowing the end buyer to call in logistics to pick up goods and have them delivered as advised - as his expense. The goods are sold as per ICC Incoterms and variant FOB&F . The FOB part allows the Supplier to collect on the first part less his profit and less the amount quote to cover freight. The PCT pays the supplier the FOB buy price only. The PCT only bears responsibility of carriage charges . The good thing about this aspect is that since the PCT has now ‘earned money” the freight component could be assessed as a ‘general freight’ rate in where should the freight carriage rate not fully cover the delivery charges to destination port, the PCT could easily within 24 hours notice of carriers arrival - reimburse any shortfall in freight rate immediately to the end buyer via a bank transfer. In other words the PCT will one way or another ensure the freight rate is covered, because it has already cleared payment an has paid the supplier the FOB buy price at port of loading via the FOB delivery aspect. In other words, the FOB&F aspect is much more forgiving if a mistake has been made. The only consideration that the PCT must attain, is that they must secure the DLC before seeking a carrier to deliver such goods. The carrier earns it money when the goods are delivered to the destination port. The PCT only needs to support RWA aspect to order a ship. The experienced PCT is allowed to provide a FOB@F quote to the end buyer and order the goods from the supplier at FOB ensuring that the PCT now controls the matter of paying freight on the exact same basis. Examples so sugar has been selling from the port of Santos at NBC for between US$ 60/ US$ 80 per MT for a long period of time being the freight component added to a FOB quote .Your research online has proves this rate to be reasonably true. Hence if you were buying sugar for US$ 400.00 per MT @ FOB Incoterms, and you added US$25.00 for your “expenses “ and USD$ 80.00 per MT to cover freight, then your quote to the endure is US$ 505.00 FOB@F. The supplier collects on US$ 400.00 per MT, the PCT get the freight carriage invoice at US$ 87.00 per MT ( or maybe 75.00 per MT)- Instead of receiving US$ 25.00 OPX, the PCT has earned and cleared the total some of around US$ 18.00 per MT. If it means closing the deal , even if only 10.00 per mT is left at the OPX on an 100,000 MT NBC delivery, the PCT would have earned a great return. In essence the PCT would have allowed the supplier to collect on its payments, and the PCT would have collected on its US$25.00 per MT OPX in where the $80.00 freight rate is not drawn, and is deemed a credit to favour the end buyer. The end buyer would see his account a value bearing 80.00 per MT credit- to pay for freight. If the freight is higher , the PCT pays the differential via the money earned on the OPX. FOB&F allows the PCT to test variables where a few more options are available in where ultimately a FOB delivery modes is the collection aspect.
1 June 2024
Current UCP rules must apply when using a DLC is a trade deal. As rukes change , they are adopted bvy the doctrine.The doctrien has gone through three such changes in the last 30 years, without the need to change the underlying instructions and advice in support , as offered in a FTNX doctrine being offered at a particular time. As such even if the rules change the doctrine remains intact as to the trading premises. We must use a ICC endorsed DLC as it offeres safes proceedings and no circumvention is possible. If a supplier states they want another form of payment, then the supplier is not a secure enity may be assumed. Also note, the supplier hands over his BOL to the carrier who must endorse it, hence the "Shipowners BOL" is an important part of the whole process and must be secured by the PCT as part of the process being conducted by the Supplier.The DLC issuing bank will not allow payment to proceed on a waybill or non endorsed shipowners BOL at presentation time; is an added security feature favouring the end buyers position.Do not waste your time on any other process. If a PCT cannot come around to handle CIF deals, then remain dealing in FOB/FCA aspect is still a great option as the end buyer is able to secure its own BOL..
1 June 2024
FTNX has had 7 suspect queiries about Gold deals landing on the desks of PCT's in 2024 .It seems the 'Joker Bokers' are coming back again. TRIBE Rules make it very clear about dealing in gold. If you don't have a securities license, you cannot deal in gold buliion or Certificates. A PCT may however deal in unassayed deep storage gold or alluvial gold applying strictly, Incoterms CPT delivery rules. The supplier must accompany the gold to a smelter located in another country where payment for the gold may be collected therefter via the DLC application. Also note Gold bullion which does not bear a current certificate needed to be smeltered, assayed and hallmarked before such a certificate can be issued. A PCT must be able to buy such gold depending on purity, bearing up to 30% discount on vertified world bullion prices. 24 ct Gold is sold certified bearing a 99.9% purity factor. Collectible gold conis and Kugerands purchased in large lots- the same rules apply. Gold coins as collected by coin collectors worth $1000 doillars or less, is able to by-pass such rules and therefore can readily pass custom inspoection accordingly, once the sellers declartion has been filled and attached to the import..
5 June 2024
We have had a resurgence of fake gold bullion deals. There is a good reason why under TRIBE Rules of Association we are unable to deal in Bullion and certificates therein in. We can deal in alluvial or deep storage gold bearing no certificates. But as you will gather from below, not many PCT have the required finances and skill set, to fully close on such gold deals. Firstly you needs a securities license to sell and buy bullion most democratic countries if you intend to import(export) such into your country as a buyer ; not much difference to a money lenders license. Second, the Gold business is full of scam artists - there are people living in hotels all over London and places like Switzerland who call themselves ‘Gold dealers’, often such scam artists say they represent a bank. Let’s follow a scenario based on actual experience, that has never seen a gold sale go through even though we actually got close; the deal often fails when delivery needs to be initated. Also Note: dealing in MTN’s fall (Medium Term Notes) into the same category.
So the USA based PCT gets an offer for 30,000 ounces of alluvial gold supplier from Mali. After some research the PCT is convinced that such gold as mined by locals does exist in Mali (Africa) . Let us assume that the world prices for assayed and hallmarked Bullion is around US$ 2200.00 per ounce at the time the deal is closed. The PCT as ‘Buyer’ offers the supplier in Mali, lets say US $1300.00 per ounces for impure alluvial gold at CPT delivery mode (around 30% less than the international gold prices offered by the PCT ) Offer is made by the PCT and is accepted by the supplier which ; a contract for delivery is signed. The terms and procedure of the contract now applies. The PCT acting as the BUYER from the Mali supplier, (at offer or after contract stage; as a condition of such) demands a full clear copy of a recent SGS analysis Certificate ( or other leading authority ) as part of the contracting process. It will also ask for the export permit and invoice. This will reveal the purity of gold avenging at e.g: 85% at 99.9% purity and declare that the gold can be legally exported. The PCT now acting as ‘seller’ offers the gold to potential end buyers. An end buyer is found at ‘Market value less 5.0%.’ to buy hallmarked and assayed bullion at 99.9% purity. (Nobody will pay for gold dust ‘as is’ may be presumed). A DLC is advised at the appropriate time bearing a value of let’s say 40 million dollars, to the bank of the PCT, as served from the end Buyer lets say located in London . The PCT transfers US$1300.00 per ounce to the suppliers Mali ‘corresponding bank’ In London; the country where the gold is to be delivered. The Supplier (his bank) now issues a Bond in the form of a performance guarantee (SLC ) at US$ 10.00 per ounce to the PCT acting as the buyer; that should the Gold not be available ( no delivered) the Bond will be forfeited on first call unconditionally by the PCT. The PCT as seller offers the same Bond to his end buyer as a LDD of US$ 5.00 per ounce. The deal is set. As per contract at CPT incoterms delivery mode, the supplier now secures the gold dust and places it on a commercial plane to London.The supplier or his agent now follow the gold as passenger. An onboard Airway BOL is served as part of the DLC collection/document process. The seller agents meets the PCT in London. The PCT will only accept Gold as delivered at a named London metal refinery, for refining /or storage. A depository certificate is now issued. The Supplier and the PCT buyer, as per appointment made in advance, head to the corresponding bank where the required certificates and ABOL, import certificate, SGS certificate, invoice etc.. is handed over for acceptance within five banking days. The supplier gets his money and leaves the country. The remaining value of the DLC is now in the account of the PCT. The PCT now proceeds to have the Gold refined assayed, hallmarked and stored at the depository at his expense. Within a week, the end buyer who is now in London, meets with the PCT (Seller). They inspect the gold in where a full invoice representing to include all expenses is presented at the bank of the PCT seller. The added payment for the processing the gold is cleared and the end buyer obtains the associated bearer type of registered certificates. These are title certificate. One who hold certificates owns the gold. The end buyer many sell the gold certificates in the future, as if they are selling actual gold. The end buyer may arrange for gold then to be transported elsewhere at his expense or it may be left in the depository at his monthly expense. The difference of what the PCT paid for the gold and the supply price, after expenses are paid is for the benefit of the PCT. The PCT should apply to trade with an aim of obtaining US$ 30.00 up to 100.00 per ounce or more from the whole process. 30,000 ounces at $100.00 = US$ 3 million net profit or less can be expected. Even if it all goes wrong a return should be apparent, albeit at a far lesser amount than first anticipated. A PCT has to research and spend time to accurately assess the potential expenses associated with buying alluvial type of gold , and selling such as certified hallmarked gold. Let’s not forget 30,000 ounces may be delivered which may ultimately only produce; let’s say 28,000 ounces of pure gold. You really need to know the whole business intently and follow strict FTNX procedures or risk losing a lot of many to scam artists or being being arrested in a foreign country for fraud. The section where a BOND is demanded is where the action of the con artist subsists. Once the bond is paid via an SLC and delays occur, the con artist ‘buyer’ may intentionally start to become ‘ angry ‘ and unsettled. The supplier also gets angry and cancels the contract. The act of cancelling a valid contract allows the end buyer to keep the bond immediately and unconditionally for the suppliers failure to deliver. Hence even being late by one day can activate this process. This is why the PCT only serves an LDD P.G and not a SLC to the end buyer. A valid contract must never be cancelled by the seller for a trivial reason, for any commodity deal, more so for Gold deals.
In a bullion sale where Bullion certificates are already offered. The PCT meets the seller and end buyer in a country where the gold is kept once preparation’s have been concluded. The PCT signed an agreement with the seller where price and procedures are apparent. The PCT signs an agency agreement with his client the end buyer before departure to act as his disclosed agent for e.g: 5.0% commission. So the PCT is acting for disclosed others as their agent. The bank is only expecting the PCT who made the appointment, to front the deal. This is where the power of the PCT subsists. The PCT must make all the arrangements, hence everyone even the bank or depository must act with the PCT- ONCE all parties are at the designated place and not before. No disclosures by the PCT are served until parties arrive inside the designated closing place of business . The seller goes to the named bank in Europe and enters a private room within, after surrendering his passport. The agent and the end buyer does the same. The PCT now takes all the required documents presented before departure to the counter including the detailed invoice bearing 5.0% commission on the deal. The document are presented. The end buyer services his security advice to the bank. The transfer takes place. The PCT commission of 5.0% is paid directly into its bank account. End buyer is now the owner of the gold by obtaining title endorsed certificate. The bank collects a commission to referree on such a deal.
NO gold deals may be applied by the PCT is the safest option. If skill is apparent, alluvial not assayed or deep storage gold deals could only apply safely. Deep storage gold is gold (stored for a long time especially after WWII) bars that have no makings on it as such has to be assayed and hallmarked to produce the bullion certificate. I hope PCT’s reading this article now understand that trading in Gold is not like trading in common NBC/FCL commodities.
A Pair of traders out of Texas were coinvicted by a US Jury in Novemebr 2023 on charges of selling sanctioned goods, fraud and money laudering . The pair were trading in Iranian crude oil, where they would buy crude oil, change the origin and then sell the crude oil to Chinese refinery. The The two men were sentenced last Tuesday to 45 months in prison . The two men were charged in 2020 along with intermediaries involved in dealing with products bearing US ecomonic sanctions. Obviously these two traders now wish they had studied the FTNX doctrine of trade before attempting to trade illegally . It may take years even decades before your are caught; but when caught, proceeds of crime laws are often also enacted where those charged lose everything. Want to trade is big commodity deals -be informed first, by studying the FTN Exporting doctrine and remain legally safe.
Currently we have a lot of material coming into our inbox , especially from countries bearing western sanction which are treated as trash. PCT’s are reminded that deals offerings sanctioned goods may NOT be traded upon and that temptation to do so may lead you to prison- over the longer term. FTNX has seen first hand want happens 10 or even 15 years later, when a trade deal closed as an illegal deal that has caught up with the unexpected trader decades later. PCT's are reminded that deals bearing below reuests are simply not legally protected in any form whatsoever and that only an insane person with rocks in their head would ever consider such a deal bearing the set of procedures below which FTNX has cut and pasted below. FTNX has gotten such advice for the supply Iranian Copper and Russian fuels. Keep away from such absurd requests.
- Buyer shall pay 100% (one hundred percent) of Seller’s provisional invoice value amount in USD, Euro, AED (other currencies of payment are also negotiable), prompt net cash payable by telegraphic transfer to a bank which is nominated by seller prior delivering the cargo. Seller will introduce its non-Iranian trustee company and all documents will be issued in the name of that company and the money will be deposited into the its account.
- Proforma invoice amount shall be calculated based on provisional price which is average of five consecutive working days prior date of Provisional/ Proforma invoice plus settled premium.
- The seller’s final invoice will be issued based on final weight and final prices once the price is known based on the quotational period and the final value of the material shall be paid by Buyer by telegraphic transfer against seller's presentation of final invoice document within (5) working days from the date of the final invoice.
- All calculation of Provisional/Proforma/Final invoices is based on USD, then converted to other mutually agreed currencies for payment.
- The exact payment procedure shall be mutually agreed between buyer & seller at the time of contract settlement.
Note: No changes to the first print ITSI is apparent - now bearing first print status of 14 year. Matter of trading: Again in the last few months we have had goods offered to us emanating from Russia and Iran. It seems that these people do not seem to understand that sanctions are in force, it also seems that they don’t seems to understand that their selling procedures would not work even is there were no sanctions . To offer FTNX copper cathodes at LME price plus a premium where a trustee is appointed by the supplier , shows FTNX that such a supplier has a poor insight on just how these deals are closed. The world is in mess. Hopefully this mess will start to be cleaned up in 2025. It may come to bear that Russian sanctioned might be lifted , while Putin remains a wanted person. In any case once these ‘wars’ begin to become ‘settled’ the trading business will set to explode as rebuilding of infrastructure of countries bearing the scars of these wars– will need to apply. Products like steel, reo-bars, cement, timber, plaster, piping and the likes will sky-rocket in price as the needs increase. We are all awaiting for Trump to take over (and destroy ) the USA economy for his own benefits and those of his ‘friends.’ He has already showed us that he is above the law. Hopefully his big mouthed election brag that he can stop the war in 24 hours- does comes into fruition ( we doubt it) . It seems that Trump doesn’t understand that most world leader thinks he is an idiot who along with his friend ‘Musk’ where both only understand one thing- How to generate money from the the ill informed masses. Trump and Musk have learned ‘how to lead the herd.’ One of Trump’s bargaining tools could be the ‘lifting of economic sanctions’ which in itself could lead the charge of ‘supply’ world wide. Let us see if Trump can, at the very least, stop such wars - as he has claimed. The PCT is reminded that a confirmed DLC advised from a bank located in a weak economic country, must be confirmed by another bank , preferably another bank as located in the same country as the trader or a countries which is deemed friendly to the country where the trader is located in . The at ‘sight documents,’ are served to the confirming bank and not the issuing bank. The PCT must add an added 1.0% to the deal to cover the expenses for the benefit of confirming and corresponding bank issuing the DLC. This is a typical but unusual scenario , where the goods once secured also attracts a transfer fee ‘as payable by the supplier ‘ and not the economically strapped end buyer located in a weak economy. The PCT must also ensure that once offer is accepted from the supplier, that loading operations MAY not commence until contract are signed is now a paramount aspect , and the offer is legally binding if operations start once the offer is signed. The PCT must ensure that this disclaimer is applied on the offer ; otherwise if the contract fails, the PCT will be legally liable to pay the expenses of the supplier as incurred after the offer was signed. As for China! Business is as usual. Chinese suppliers are friendly and eager to do business and have a strong banking position worldwide. Unless China enter a conflict scenario, China will continue to be an important part of the world tradingh economy. As it stands , we are unable to conduct business with Russia, which is an unfortunate situation as Russia played a big role for the PCT when it came to buying and selling refined petroleum based goods. The other potential business in the near future is to do with Delivery of Goods into Space ( FTNX: Ultra-terms 2008: DIS) Those who recall, we had already developed a delivery application for delivery of goods into space 15 year ago, as we could see this optional expanding; mainly at first “delivery of experimental modules” as provided by universities and scientific bodies is the basis commencing at US$ 100,000 per experimental module measuring the size of a large shoe box. In 2025 FTNX will once more post FTNX Ultra-terms in 2025 which are a set of rules as developed by FTNX based on insight and doctrine; once FTNX have assessed the number of companies around the world able to delivery such scientific experimental modules into spaced are prepared to abide by Ultra-terms delivery applications. Added Note: As we approach the festive season, ill informed traders appear out of now where. PCT who can take a break should do so over the next 3 or 4 weeks. A PCT who has business to apply in 2025 , would have have already secured the deal before the Christmas break. FTNX will take is break from the 12 December 2024 and return in the first week of January 2025, which going to be a busy year indeed form March 2025.
1 Janurary 2025
Trading in commodities in 2025 is going to be hectic and problematic- A real challenge has become apparent where excitement and frustrations go hand in hand. We have products from sanctioned countries loaded on ghost ships, transversing the seas looking for buyers which we cannot touch ; and a new belligerent USA president Elon Musk and his side kick Trump trying to take advantage of their newly acquired positions. These two clowns are going to cause trading problems in the export import realm. The informed PCT has to work harder to get one large deal over the line. It took nearly 9 months for FTN to close upon one single revolving contract in 2024 - it is going to be even tougher is 2025, even though business will increase. We need to source wanted goods only and we will need to work for extended period sot get a deal closed. We also need to pick our deals carefully. Aluminium , copper , ore coal, cement and the new addition Silver will dominate the market place in 2025. Crude oil is out even if the market swings back, as this market place has become constricted without the Russian suppliers being involved, as Russian crude and fuel deals represented over 50% of the intermediary market place - which has been wiped out due to western economic sanctions. Politics has destroyed this crude oil aspect of business. D2 and Jet fuel are still in so long it does not bear Russian origins. A PCT taking up the study in 2025 must do so with one thought in mind. The PCT will learn procedures and remain trading - forever - full time or in their spare time. Longevity has become an important factor. In other words if you are totally not into buying and selling commodities or conducting international kind of business, over the longer term, keep away. It will take a year of study and practice before a ‘whiff’ of a real live deal will one your way . Time and experience will then take over - in time. As for the deal itself - hardcopy contracts is now a must application as the internet has become a money hungry , scam laden haven - a place ‘full of vultures’ where many others are trying to rip off everyone else. Returning to the physical aspect of doing business and using the internet to conduct due diligence and research is the safest aspect to conduct international business from 2025. A PCT who lives in a country where facsimile machines can still be connected to the phone line should trade using this aspect rather than the internet once goods are secured online. Hardcopy contract and facsimile use can’t be hacked, and the deal remains confidential beyond the reach of preying eyes. The facsimile is still used in leading economic countries. Countries like Australia, the facsimile machine is has become literally impossible to connect locally, due to weak minded decision made by politicians year ago. Having two emails one private and one online is also a good idea. Writing letters so supplier is now back on the agenda at well; as being the safest and best application to use when a serious deal in in hand. These analogue applications are covered in the doctrine of trade .The PCT must now concentrating and make effort over time to close upon a lucrative and profitable commodity deal. Trying to close upon such a deal using only the internet has become a legally precarious trading aspect. Do your due diligence online , and even lead with an offer; but once you get to the contracting part- hardcopies via courier mail is now fast becoming a safe standard practice. The who have studied the doctrine and have become informed will understand what is being stated- those are not informed - are wasting their time entering a highly informed market place. There is no free ride here- be informed and don’t enter the market place are the only options left.
8 FEB 2025
Even if the worlds order has broken down ( as it seems to be under TRUMP) there must still be a safe method to complete and overseas import export transaction. The buying and selling commodities dictates that the PCT learns procedures and process first then enters the market place to obtain experience; before any deal can eventuate. The PCT needs to make mistakes and learn by such mistakes to become a proficient and formidable commodity trader. This means the first year is spent learning the trade. The second year onwards is where deals commence happening. The PCT must act as a seller when selling goods to an end buyer and buyer when buying goods from a supplier. There is no other way to safely ensure the PCT will be able to earn and collect upon earned gross profits and /or where others have assisted the PCT, to pay commission to said others , form this earned gross profit . Once all commission payments and incurred expenses have been settled, what’s left over is a net profit margin for the benefit of the PCT. This means the PCT must retain at least 50% of the generated profit when interacting on a deal with associated other string members. Only a highly informed PCT can act as buyer and seller of commodities internationally lawfully and legally.Our doctrine has even been archived in the USA Library of Congress denote the unique attributes of this first time doctrine. Many lawyers world-wide have also purchased the the doctrine with high praise served and yet the doctrine way written for home based intermediary use breaking down complex matters to an ‘easy to understand basis.’ The PCT MUST act a buyer/seller and principal to conduct such deals based on our doctrine and nearly 40 years of experience and mistakes. The PCT heading cannot disclose who the supplier or end buyer is to anyone and those who do not act as a Buyer/Seller and want to attach themself to a informed PCT as sourcing intermediaries in a string deal MUST surrender details of the supplier or end buyer to the PCT looking after the deal and all commission payments to SI string members. The rule to becomes legal abiding commodity trader is easy to understand . The PCT must KNOW that it has secured a real supplier of goods they are attempting to sell to and end buyer with attached SI members. A PCT must know who the supplier is and verify that the supplier is genuinely offering offered goods, and secure such goods first via AIF, OFFER or even AOS , to ensure they can never be charged for fraud should a legitimate deal collapse after the offer for contract has been signed.To make huge amount of money , without spending money is the art of the deal. To fix problems using great amount of money is the kind of deal ‘conducted by fools and idiots.’ Top buy I.e: property today will make you money tomorrow - this is not the art of the deal maker as the outcome in most cases has bene predetermined. Where often in the majority of cases the property investors had accrued wealth from family assets to by such property. To buy ands sell foods via a cafes or restaurant cost a fortune to set up, and a fortune to run where no guarantee of success is assured in fact often such business people suffer great lose when the business collapses. The art of the deal is about landing a huge deal by using skills and abilities to close ups such a deal where such efforts produces a huge financial gain - legally and honestly. To make money legally and honourably is the art. Dealing in commodities requires the PCT to apply skill and ability in an informed manner - to close a large lucrative commodity deal. I essences the informed PCT will spend years /many years to chase down that one lucrative deal all the way to closing. Big deal means large revolving deals or a large single shipment .This is the discipline that create the said skill se via practice<the doctrine ensure the practitioner is highly inform about process and procedures using current rules and laws to support it endeavours. If a PCT is going to last the distance then they needs to be trading within 10 months of taking up the doctrine. Practice and experience then dictates when the one deal finally lands on your lap which is a good aspect because by the time such a deal comes your way - you’ll know how to close it. Hence getting a real deal early is actually an adverse aspect unless you have a mentor to rely upon with advice and assistance. This practice and study is not suitable for ignorant people. One must be able to read and write in English to a reasonable level is the starting premise as such the doctrine is very suitable for home based traders who have had some basic college level education and understand how too use basic mathematical principles. The hardest part of the doctrine was to make it in a manner where the PCT attempting to trade cannot get into legal hotter for making simple mistakes. Sio long as the PCT practises the doctrine ; any mistakes made can be readily mitigates os ling as they follow the FTN Exporting trading process intently.These deal are not easy to closes but are not that hard to apply once the PCT is informed . The art of the deal also applies learn which deal to consider and which deal to trash which in itself s a skill set that develops along the way. Too take on billion dollars export deal all the way to closure is going to produce as huge profit; they are huge because they were earned using real abilities and skill set in a highly inform manner. You do not earn such money for passing useless information around d all day. I have been around fore nearly 40 years conducting educational matter while trading. I have written the first uniform legally defined doctrine of trade for intermediaries , supplier and end buyer to use and yet every now a then a fools turns up online thinking they know better. We needs forms for everything . It’s not different for this business . We have in-house forms, and we have official trading forms and documents. In other words, we deal heavily in documents.This aspect is also a very important attribute of the whole process denoting on the way a PCT presents themselves. If you are not prepared to head a deal as a PCT , then taking up the doctrine will only deliver the educational aspect.
21 Feb 2025
Personal insight by D.G.A.Papa
Those who have been following my post are aware that I am attempting to orchestrate an investment project (IP) with the inception of the ZEHEDBIKE using matters of the FTNX doctrine of trade as well as other matters specific to inventions and raising capital. I am conducting a complex investment project; however all the relevant information in regards to smaller or much larger investment projects apply there same advice , insight and international business practices and principles. With commodity trading , the assumptions are that PCT must never use its own money to funds a commodity deal, does not need to outlay capital to set up a import export business or to initiate the business, in where knowledge and skill is what actually closes very large commodity transactions-safely and legally. This means anyone with a good grasp of English, as is prepared to study procedures for a few months first can learn and later commence trading in commodities as a legally defined buyer and seller and to do so safely and honourably. If after a few years the trader ‘give up,’ plenty has been gained , very little would have been lost; is also an attractive ‘educational ‘feature of the whole study and practice. The terms ‘honourably’ is what’s confuses most applicants learning the trading ropes. No matter what you have done before “ Good and honourable intent” governs your every move once you start trading.To close one large revolving trade deal while applying good and honourable intent ; where earnings have recorded a huge profit ; is the best feeling in the world. To use brains and not brawn, over the long term, to potentially earn huge amount of money safely legally and honourably is what commodity trading is about. All these aspects also apply to the PCT when incepting an investment project. To secure right to a e.g; bit of land and to turn it from brownfield to a greenfield project on paper, where the investment potential is sold outright, with all permits and permission secured to e.g: mine resources – also takes lot of skill to incept; all the way to selling the Investment projects as a ‘ready to go product.’ Sure! if you are in the minority, have plenty of money and very littles brains, then the usual road of registration, securities, and launching a prospectus is also an available route; but a point is being proven with the building of the ‘Zehed-Bike’ as an investment project, the first of which is “ to secure the product first, before seeking investment funds “(sound familiar to those who have studied our doctrine) . I want to also show that there are many clever people around the world who have ideas to create new things who who don’t have the large amount of funds required to do so. This means the entrepreneur needs to develop its own idea into a tangible working prototype. “Once the product is proven and is secured first’ it is used to incept the investment project is the alternative route that many entrepreneurs could take. The Zehed-bike is being built in a shed in Australia. 80 percent build with locally sourced products ,using tools purchased in a hardware . A covered bike ideal for one person taking many short trips daily, with all the convenience of a car (heater, aircon, etc ) that never needs charging or batteries built to last, using sustainable emission free products, where repairs can be done by any handy person. No charging, no oil change, no apps, easy to repair, easy to recycle, equals less emissions. The Capacitor Zmotor bearing a 12 volt 250 watts/26 AMP system is the basic motor fitted. Different countries with different e-bike laws can have bigger motors fitted. Ideal for daily short trips, fast foods deliveries, security patrols, etc.. The ZBIKE will also be able to float across flood waters, cutting off a township during adverse weather conditions. Although all up the Zehed bike prototype may end ups costing me around AUD$50,000 dollars with inception commencing in 2015; these ZBikes will be sold for under AUD$4000.00 at retail exported world wide ( By FTNX of course) . So far its taken me 9 years, where most of the work has done in the last 4 years.The Zbike is now at 75% complete. Can a PCT, on the side, commence planing the inception of an idea no matter how grand, on a shoe string budget to produce an attractive product. This is what ISPI publications will be all about when released, upon the ZBIKE being completed. INVESTMENT PROJECTS and the SUCCESSFUL INTERMEDIARY (IPSI) should be released mid 2026 and will deliver a proven unique and valuable insights on how to initiate an investment project legally world wide - using very little of your own money in doing so. Can a PCT effectively create an investment project on a shoes string. I think yes. Time will tell, as usual I need to always prove a concept before releasing a publication, hence my next publication is defined as IPSI which will be released once the testing of the ZBike has been completed and investment interest has be raised. ZERO EMISSION HUMAN ENERGY DEVICE (ZEHED) or (ZED) is about using 30% human energy in producing 100% efficiency in the method of transport. The next model will have no rubber tyres and will be called ZEDAIR where the ZEHED principles remain intact. The term BIKE is used because that’s what the law says it is, ( Two wheels , a crank , chain and gears) allowing the development of a transport pod that does not need to meet all the requirements of a car. Too many people are using the car for many short trips daily. The ZEHED bikes now allows the car to remain parked for use on ling trips, in where emission drop locally accordingly. Locally to cities world wide– means dropping emission levels globally, is the final outcome. FTNX business plan currently includes the production of 60,000 ZEHEDBIKE units yearly which means other plants will need to be built in other countries once the local plant is developed. It will take decades to propagate a world bearing half a billion or more Zehedbike users. Our new website ZEHEDBIKE.com will be incepted by late 2025 or early 2026 once the prototype is a proven aspect.An analogue form of transport, for the future dominated by the many unreliable aspect of the digital / electronic era, makes the Zehed-bike, a much needed alternative form of transport - a necessity.