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23 Feb 2025

English language is the universal  lanugage used by  Pilots, Ships Captians, Customs,  Air Traffic Controllers, Diplomates  when deliving in  International Trade matters . If a PCT speaks let us say Italian, and he/she  has found a new international export ready supplier  who does not speak english, but only Italian  then the PCT has to apply the trade in italian  between him and the supplier. The PCT then converts  the deal  from his postion into English. But it's a risky proposition because of matters to do with translation.English words and visa verse do not often translate to convey an effective legal aspect.  The PCT could find a breach of contract  eventuating quickly. As such , English is the universal business language. If you are buying or selling commodities, it must be conducted in the English language so that English law, and delivery /banking rules can be effectively and safely applied.



26 FEB 2026

A DLC is advised as transferable to a PCT. The PCT advises the end buyer as per the offer made prior, the  price of goods  offered assumes the end buyer pays for the Transfer fee on the DLC  being advised to the PCT. This is the expectation  especially when a good price is apparent. The PCT must never pay for such a transfer fee as no refund policy is served should the deal collapse after the DLC  transfer fee is paid.  The current aspect requires that that the DLC cannot be transferred unless the fee is paid firs, and the TDLC can only be transferred once.  This is important because it formally serves evidence that the fee came from the same account which identifies the buyer. The current transfer fee starting at  0.125% upwards can be expected on complex trade deal  where the security aspect of a UCP endorsed DLC is in play. Different banks allow different transactions to attract lower fees; but first time transaction - expect the full amount payable on such fees. If at times a PCT is going to collect the TF from the supplier, as a security matter to ensure the DLC go directly to only the supplier, the price of goods can incorporate this fee as indicated on the contract. A bank overseas the financial side of the transaction and; as such plays an important role as an intermediary  in overseeing this aspect as a matter of security. If goods cost  the PCT let us say  $1000.00 per MT FOB   to buy from a supplier then the PCT must add 3.0% as an automatically applied  minimum aspect to the FOB price  to take care of ‘unexpected’   bank availing charges and expenses  to do with late delivery. If the same goods  being offered to a PCT costs let us say on average $1100.00  Per MT FOB, as per international prices  and the  PCT  buy  the goods he has secured for  $1000.00  per MT FOB, it must add  $30.00 to the sell  price and perhaps  another 3.0% for cascading commission /gross profit  earnings.This means the goods are offered to the end buyer for @1060.00 Per MT FOB NBC. If the deal goes well the PCT should be able to collect  around  5.0% average gross profit. If it goes awry; the 3.0% minimum aspect added after unexpected expenses were incurred , could still allow the PCT to earn ’something’ ones such expenses are paid.  The PCT has to give a good deal (price)  when selling secured products . A good deal is where the price offered to the end buyer still falls below  the international   price of goods being sold. To buy 100 MT of aluminium ingots will attract one price compared to buying 1000 MT of the sam product. This is the expectation of any large purchase deal. Even with  international  markets  being dragged into TRUMP imbroglio, the UCP endorsed DLC and  the many complying  banks world wide  offer the best and safest trade deal possible as it applies to the financial side.  



25 Feb 2025

A PCT cannot  buy and sell minerals as per a greenfield deal.Such involves the implementation of a greenfield investment project which are expensive projects to initate. The mine needs to be operational and the minerals needs to be ascertained  and graded before a PCT is able to consider buying and selling such goods which rarely come our way.



25 Feb 2025 

Again  let me provide  another simple persepective on this one o complex  issue that is still confusng many sellers /buyers: So the DLC on a CFR deal  arrives in a bank located In Melbourne Australia, for the benefit of the seller  FTNX. One of the documents that the bank will expect to  sight is a BOL with the world ‘Pre Paid’  stamped on its form.This means the supplier has booked the ship and has provided RWA  when doing so. It tells the carrier that his money  for carriage of goods that has yet to been earned;  is collectible and secured  once the goods have been ‘physically’ delivered to POD. So delivery under incoterms is different in meaning to delivery of  goods  physically.  In an advanced  trading aspect ( highly skilled USCT members)   if FTNX purchased goods at FOB to Melbourne first . The goods arrive and are warehoused.  Then in Melbourne,   FTNX books a ship at  CIF with the demand  being sought for a Shipowners BOL endorsement  marked as Pre Paid, when selling such goods to an end buyer in smaller lots . The goods are loaded in Melbourne via the booked carrier after FTNX has first  provided an RWA to the carrier . With the end buyer DLC already secured, FTNX simply advises BCL or other advice, locally  to the local shipping company (agent)  to verify with the our bank. This allows the pre paid stamp to be applied to the BOL as produced by FTNX  to meet with the requirements of UCP banking rules. The goods are delivered to POD. Before the first line is secured at POD, a demand for the payment of freight  will be advised to the end buyer. If the goods cost let us say  $1000.00 at FOB,  to be sent to Melbourne for storage, and the freight charge component is let us say $40.00 dollar per MT, after adding 7.0% for  profits and expenses, the DLC  from the end buyer would bear a value of  US$1110.00 . FTNX would only collect as per the invoice and documents being presented  to its bank the sum of $1070.00 per MT. This means the $40.00  quoted by FTNX  per MT for  carriage,  remains in the account of the end buyer . The end buyer pays for the freight from this fund,  because this is the rate quoted by FTNX.This is what the bank of FTNX will do; as per URC collection rules which require the BOL to be  endorsed by a shipowner and not charter party and be clearly marked as ‘pre-paid’  as “ pre-paid’ by the end buyer  to FTNX is the presumption.if the end buyer  does not pay for freight, he will not be able to obtain title to the goods once they have been unloaded POD.  If FTNX gave a CIF price to the end buyer where upon arriving the carrier  demands;  let us say $60.00 per MT for delivering the goods to the end buyer; FTNX upon receiving the invoice from the carrier ( via the end buyer)   will immediately transfer the differential from its gross profit, to the account of the end buyer.  Pre-paid simply means  the carrier is assured payment for carriage if goods once it arrived a POD, it does not means the carrier has been paid for carriage  by the seller/supplier before loading commenced as the carrier ‘has to earn freight’   by completing the delivery to POD. Whatever nonsense you have seen online; the above scenario provides  a clearly defined example of a confusing aspect  of trade to do with carriage. This is why a UCP endorsed  DLC is used. It protects everyone involved in the deal. FTNX can  only buy secured goods from the supplier and sell to the end buyer.This  is assured because the BOL is marked on the margin to the end buyer; meanin– the title to the goods can not be sold in a never  ending ( risk laden) string dea.The goods have to go directly to the end buyer .If the end buyer wants to on sell such goods  then the end buyer has to initiate a fresh new set of proceedings.  



27 Feb 2025

The Oil tanker  chartered by Chevron being loaded at the Bajo Grande Oil terminal  at Maracaibo  Lake,  Venezuela, went straight to the USA under Biden. Under Trump the  ‘deal-maker’ this week  had announced that he will be  reversing the oil concession to Chevron, while a PCT obeying westerns sanction attempting to trade on such oil would be charged with a crime. This is the current state  of affairs the USA  Government under MUSK and there ‘deal maker ‘ Trump who can close only any deal so long as it closed his way regardless of legality, rules and laws - because Trump is a  rwlayly big ‘deal maker.’ Yeah!  Look what he has done in Ukraine.  He accepted a mineral deal  in an effort to recoup  the cost of supporting Ukraine battling  with Russia. Under this aspect USA must owe Trillions to a lot of countries that came to its support during troubling times,  in the last 70 years.   A mineral deal  where USA has to spend money to develop a mine located in territority currently held by Russia, that does not produce  a lot of end product.  Brilliant Trump.  What a coupe! Wow! This is how deals are made. This is how Trumps is going to end the war in Ukraine. Americans need to be wary  and the bear the idea that if Putin and China  decided on a pre empted nuclear attack on the USA,  right at this very moment, the USA may be  unable to respond because nuclear technicians were sacked last week. Trump and  Musk has placed the world in a very precarious situation; and it is the PCT who needs to be careful in ensuring  we obey the law.It seems 'no level playing feild' is apparent anymore.Luckily the FTNX doctrine  protects the PCT from being scammed  or intimidated.